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Friday, December 10, 2010

Purple Monkey in White Pajamas.

Thank you Image Stabilization. If not for you, all these pictures would have been blurry. {Ya know, cause it was freakin’ FREEZIN’!}

But now onto why this day was totally awesome…

Kids. Cute kids. I mean REALLY CUTE kids. Really cute kids who despite the bone chilling coldness still put smiles on their faces (of course there was EXTREME bribing going on, but whatever works, right?!)

Clouds. We NEVER get clouds here in SD.

Sunshine? Yes.

Seventy degree weather all year round? Check.

Mortgages that will make your head spin? Absolutely!

But clouds? Rarely see the darn things.

Super-Duper Fantastically Cool Parents.

Do I really need to elaborate on this one?

And thank you to my buddy {L}. Without your help, how would I have ever known what color the monkey is that lives in my camera? (purple, of course!). The fact that he was wearing white pajamas and his name is Clouds was also very informative. My world somehow feels complete now that I know these very important facts.


**{Sidenote: This is a perfect example of a few friends who got together and created their own photo shoot. You can do the same!! If there is a cool place you have ALWAYS dreamed about having your family photos taken, get a few of your friends to jump on board and I will BE THERE to take the pics!}


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