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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Air-E-zone-UH {!}

I know I have told you all about my woes growing up as a child in the mean streets of Laguna Beach. It’s sometimes hard to recall those days because, well, they’re just so painful. But here we go…

As a child I was foretold about this faraway land of heat and cacti. I thought it a myth because all I ever knew was {here comes that sick feeling again in my stomach} 70 degree weather ALL-YEAR-ROUND! There was this one summer (or was it winter? It was so hard to tell), that my mother RIPPED us from this dirty sandy place they call the b-e-a-c-h, and took us to this far away land called Air-E-zone-UH.

These are my memories of that hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot place.

Sitting in my Grammy’s house trying desperately not to melt. Walking to circle K to get chewy sweetarts (have you ever had these? SO good!). Having to buy new flip-flops because the ones I wore to walk to Circle K melted. Playing and squeezing my Grammy’s dog Elizabeth so hard that it puked all over her carpet (too much info?). Playing in the irrigation canals. Catching toads at night. Playing H-O-R-S-E with my brother on the bb court in my Grammy’s driveway. Having to buy another new pair of flip-flops because while playing H-O-R-S-E my other ones melted and THEN evaporated. So weird?! Watching my Grammy RAKE her green shag carpet. Secretly walking on the newly raked green shag carpet when my Grammy wasn’t looking. I was so naughty….

There were many more summers that passed in the same fashion. I recall them with sweet happiness…

Here are some other memories made in AZ…

{Look for wedding pics of K&J coming next September!! Woot-woot!}


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