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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

{B}leeding Heart

Not great news for the Brutus man. Not good news at all. After his ‘ballooning’ procedure today to try and expand his colonic stricture (his 4th procedure) the docs put me in a room and basically told me it’s surgery or death for this little guy.

I was floored. These ballooning procedures (from what I understood) were working. Apparently not. And these procedures were not cheap. I have drained my savings and reached out to friends and family for help.

What do I do now? Where does one turn? Where is the family where that old lady died and left millions to her dog Fluffy. Anyone have their number?? Seriously. No, SERIOUSLY.

I have exhausted all my resources. I have given all I can give. I write this with tears in my eyes and a heavy heart. I really didn’t want it to come down to this.

So my last desperate plea is this. If ANYONE knows of a vet or is a vet, or your best friends sisters ex-boyfriends aunt is a vet and is looking for a case like Brutus’, please share my story with them. I am willing to travel. I am willing to trade photography for life to save this baby’s life.

I don’t know why I feel so strongly that this dog belongs in my family?! One cannot explain the love you have for an animal, especially one that you have saved from certain death.

I am just looking for help. I know it’s out there. Somewhere. I just need to find it.

I just need to find it.


  1. Have you applied for care Credit? This can be done on the internet and at the Vet's office. Just a thought


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