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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I bet you didn't know...

So, I haven't been able to do much reading these days. When I get a chance to read, I want something mindless and trashy. I reach for my US Weekly.

I was inspired. Yes. Inspired by US Weekly.

You know how in each issue there is a page where they choose a celebrity and have them tell 25 things you might not know about them??

Well here it goes…

1. I drive a Van. I also have a son named Van. Van was almost born in the Van. My kids get very confused when I say, "Go get in the Van." We now call it the 'white car'.

2. I can't STAND it when people don't wash their hubcaps.

3. My favorite breakfast in the world is a Sugar-Free Rockstar and chocolate hostess donuts. I feel like when the donuts are mini sized, it's less calories and I am eating healthy.

4. I have had braces. Twice. WEAR YOUR RETAINERS PEOPLE!

5. My grandfather’s name was Roy. I always thought, "Who would EVER name their kid Roy." I am married to a Roy.

6. I once touched Magic Johnsons bootie. If you ever meet me, I will tell you the story....

7. I get nauseous when people blow their nose or spit. Seriously. Ewwwww...

8. Dark chocolate has anti-oxidants in it so I try to consume as much of it as possible every day. Tryin' to stay healthy people...

9. I still own the same pair of Birkenstocks I bought when I was a Sophomore in HS. I still wear them. I am bringing sexy BACK!

10. Going to bed is my favorite part of the day.

11. Dirty Dancing is my all time favorite movie. RIP Johnny.

12. I use to think airplanes dropped you off at your house.

13. I never thought I would ever own a pair of skinny jeans. Now that's all I wear. I am such a follower...

14. Anthropologie is my favorite store on the planet Earth.

15. I spent almost everyday of my childhood summers at the beach.

16. I still hang out with my friends from kindergarten.

17. I lived in South America for 6 months and I still don't speak a lick of Spanish.

18. I refuse to take out the trash. That is a boy’s job.

19. I can't stand it when people put stickers on their cars crooked.

20. I bathe at least twice a day.

21. I am a steak and potatoes kind of gal. No fancy-shmancy meal for me thank you very much.

22. And speaking of food, there is nothing more disgusting than a mushroom. Fungus people. Mushrooms are a FUNGUS!!!

23. Flip flops are my favorite pair of shoes.

24. My favorite book is 'The Book Thief' by Markus Zusak. You. Must. Read. This. Book.

25. I like-a to take-a da fotos.


"Say What?!"