What an honor to take pictures of this incredible family! What was the occasion you ask? Only the best gift anyone can ever recieve, the gift of TEENAGE daughters! lol! The adoption was finalized on May 27th, 2010. Ashley and Madison are now a permanent fixture in the Hurst household and soon they will be sealed as a family forever.
Does it get much better than this? I think not....
Wow. Trying to get a two year old to stand still long enough to take a picture was a CHALLENGE! Holy Moley that Aubrey can run fast! But I think we managed to get some great photos of her, don't ya think?! Thanks Calli for scoping out a new scene for taking rad photos! I will definitely be back (hint hint, anyone want some pics??). Again, I must thank Calli for making such lovely girls for me to photograph... My camera told me it has a crush on your girls:)
Thanks to all who are spreading the word that Bubba-Loo is here! I am feeling the LOVE:)
No. You are not seeing double. They are twins. Identical twins. Lovely and beautiful identical twins who have been my friends since kindergarten. It's amazing the bond between twins. I wouldn't know, but I see the way they are with each other and it is truly amazing. I love you girls! Thank you for being patient with me while shooting off a ba-zillion pictures!
I seriously could not handle all the cuteness going around on this photo shoot! These are my beautiful friend Ali's (featured above in the blue tank top) GORGEOUS children, Noah and Hayden. There simply is not enough time in the day to capture all the cuteness these two were putting out into the universe! I could have posted a million more pictures of these two, SERIOUSLY! Thank you Ali (and Josh!) for having such a-dorable kiddos:) I really appreciate it:)♥