A few of my faves...


Two hours. That's all the time I got to spend with the P family. That's it. But I left there feeling like I had known them for years. It took a little while for C to warm up to me, but once I mentioned I had some Red Vines waiting for her after the shoot, she was putty in my hands! lol! H was afraid that little C would be too clingy and grumpy and that he would not cooperate once the camera turned on him. I found quite the opposite! He was SO good, and for a 1 year old, was pretty darn easy going when it came to wardrobe change and switching locations a few times. It was so fun using big M's vintage Chevy (M, you will have to tell me exactly what yr it is again. I forget such things easily. I think it was the year that they made the coolest lookin' cars in history, no?!) The best part of the car story is that my girl H bought it for her darling hubby for Father's Day a few years back, because it was the same car M's father owned when he was a child. How COOL is that?! I hope my hunny REALLY enjoyed that bag of socks and iTunes card I got him last year. I know, I know! I SPOIL him! HA!It's always such a treat to show up to a shoot, not knowing who or what to expect, and to walk away feeling like you have made a new friend. Thank you P family for making me feel so welcome in your home. Thank you for letting me stick my big 'ol camera in your face and not telling me to back the 'H' up! (I really appreciate that last one. I can get annoyingly close up in ones grill.)
Hope we meet again in the future...Perhaps at Cafe Rio???....
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