

This past weekend I had the PLEASURE of driving across this really hot thing they call the desert (to my all my SD peeps, a desert is a really hot place where there is sand and cactus and not much else. But crazy beautiful.) to take pictures of Lindsay and her A-DOARBLE now-hubby Preston on their wedding day. The first picture I took of the two of them was actually our first meeting. Lindsay is the sister of my beloved friend Kathy, and after bugging her relentlessly, she agreed to talk to her sis and see if it would be possible for me to crash the wedding and take a few snapshots. They had already hired a photag for the reception the following day, but I was able to come and take pics outside of the Temple. Arizona gave us a gift. The gift of moderate weather in June and BEAUTIFUL light! I was grateful because I was wearing black skinny jeans and boots (der...I know. I surprise even myself with how the brain in my head doesn't think things through all that well sometimes...). Lindsay and Preston could NOT have been nicer and more obliging to my amateur ways and lack of know-how when it comes to taking pictures of big groups. They didn't have to take the time to give my great photo opps, but they DID, and I owe a HUGE thanks to them for that! Thank You Thank You Thank You L&P for making the drive with an 18mo old across the grueling desert worth it! I hope you guys have a WONDERFUL honeymoon and a a FAIRY TALE life together:)
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