But a prop can also be a window.

A prop can also be a leg.

I don’t know about you, but my parents and In-Law’s are SUCKERS for photos of my kids.
Makes my Holiday shopping sooooooooo EASY!
Why not give the gift of photos this year?
Contact me and we’ll chat. About photos. And other stuff if you want to. I’m cool like that:)
{B}ubba-{L}oooooooooooooooooo to {Y}ou!
These photos have been sitting in a folder on my computer for months BEGGING to be seen.
I could no longer keep them locked away.
It’s painful to look at them because it reminds me that the dog days of Summer are officially over and the countdown to Christmas has officially begun (49days, 13 hours and 13 minutes according to the time at which I am writing this post).
This is when I begin to FREAK THE HECK OUT!
I have three kids. My daughter every year asks Santa for the impossible. This year it is either her own iPad (yeah, those are cheap) or her own unicorn.
I. Am. Screwed.
So in case I forget to tell you all in the next two months…
Happy freaking holiday’s.